Friday 15 September 2017

Grade 9 Illustrated Quote

Grade 9: How can I write and represent to show what I understand about the meaning of different texts and how they relate to my life?

  • I use previous reading experiences, personal experiences and prior knowledge to help me reflect on and interpret ideas found in a text (2.1.2)
  • I use quotation marks to distinguish words being discussed in own writing.  (4.2.7)
  • I discuss how techniques like symbolism communicate meaning and enhance effect in text (2.2.11)

1. Pick a quote that shows something important about you and reminds you of a life experience.


“I love writing.
I love the swirl and swing of words as they tangle with human emotions.”  

-James Michener

2. Play with font style, colour and add images to represent the important word's meaning and feelings.
3. Annotate the quote with your interpretations and life experiences.

4. Create a Google Drawing to represent the quote.
5. Write a paragraph to explain your interpretations and life experience.

What does Excellent Symbolism Look Like?

To understand criteria better, students examined work samples to make improvements to their work.

Symbolism Criteria
I use symbolism to communicate meaning and enhance the effect (meaning or feeling) of the quote.

  • colour
  • font
  • image
Symbolism is insightful and dramatically enhances the meaning or feeling of the quote.
Symbolism is effective and clearly enhances the meaning or feeling of the quote.
Symbolism is evident and somewhat enhances the meaning or feeling  of the quote.
Symbolism is unclear and does little to enhance the meaning or feeling of the quote.
Three symbolic choices I made to enhance the effect of the quote are:

  1. I chose _______________ colour because…

  1. I chose _____________________ font style because…

  1. I chose this image because...

What does Excellent Writing Look Like?

Students completed "What makes a Great Paragraph" in Google classroom to review organization.

Then they examined 3 work samples to identify criteria that exists in the samples.

Writing Criteria
I use previous reading experiences, personal experiences and prior knowledge as a basis for reflecting on and interpreting ideas encountered in a text

Insightful Reflection:

  • Contains many ideas that are unique
  • showing quality in writing of past experience
  • Uses vivid sensory details
My writing is insightful.  It is a comprehensive reflection.

  • I expand my writing by vividly showing my reader my experiences
  • My interpretations are unique
My writing is thoughtful.  It is a substantial reflection.

  • I expand my writing by clearly showing my reader my experiences
  • My interpretations are beyond obvious
My writing is predictable.  It is a basic reflection.

  • I attempt to expand my writing by including a life experience.
  • My interpretations are  straightforward.
My writing is simplistic.  It is lacking reflection.

  • I do little to expand my writing it contains mostly telling.
  • My interpretations are simple or lacking in depth thought
My reasons for selecting the level above are...

I use quotation marks to distinguish words being discussed in own writing.  4.2.7
I skillfully use quotation marks.

  • I weave quotes into my writing.  They sound like they are a natural part of the sentence.
I systematically  use quotation marks.

  • I set quotes up with words and they fit into the paragraph.
I simplistically use quotation marks.

  • I have quotes in my writing, but they are mechanical and inconsistently punctuated.
I haphazardly use quotation marks.

  • I may or may not have quotes around words I discuss in my writing.  I do not use proper punctuation.

Finally, students improved their writing and self-assessed their work.

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